Pain from the Flame, Set to Take Aim

No matter how clear the writing on the wall, you’re never quite ready to get fired. It’s been 5 days and I’m working through the entire process. I’d rather be better than be bitter.

It was casual, my boss asked to move our regularly scheduled one on one up a day to Monday because he needed to get his tires changed. Sure thing, Boss. Happy to be flexible.

I remember casually looking over to my wife, as I yielded our home office at 10:58 am for our double booked 11am Monday morning, and noticing 2 people signed into our One on One. My Boss and HR. Great.

“I’m about to get fired, I’ll be back.” I said.

“What?!” she said.

It felt like those moments when a person looks at danger right in the face and continues forward. There are plenty of movies I can flex to draw a comparison to but the last post probably manifested me into this mess. Ok. Fine. We’re doing this.

It felt like that moment from the movie you probably NEVER remember absolutely seeing was from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. We see our hero, the ever so cunning Captain…Jack Sparrow. All has gone to shit on the Black Pearl (the parallels are uncanny to the other sinking ship) when, after finally managing to get himself free from his chains, the Kraken (unemployment, in this case) shows its face.

Just like Jack, I had a feeling this “beast” would show up. She just jacked up the entire boat, taking away the crew…screaming to their deaths. He saw their eyes as they were prompted pulled away and deactivated from Slack. My fate had arrived.

My Boss at least has his camera on. The poor guy couldn’t stand to watch, I could see it in his eyes. It’s the worst part about being a leader and I remembered the sickening feeling that letting someone go brings on. Even in moments like these, I always tend to think how this all might make THEM feel. 🙃

He said his goodbyes and opted for the HR guillotine. It was the least “human” firing I’d been through. Then again, it was my first time in a virtual setting. They couldn’t even give me the decency of looking at a person when hearing the mumbles of the details of my fate. I’ve never been fired before. It was humbling, to say the least.

For what it’s worth, I hold no grudges against my former employer. They made a decision, I probably would have made the same one – 100% would have handled it differently tho. When we approach life events with a lack of contextual kindness, it has unnecessary effects. This was one of those moments. It’s all good tho, Better > bitter

Once the escape boat left, I instinctively went back to the email I was working on until it clicked. I shut the laptop and was clueless on what to do next. It was just me and this beast of unemployment starring right in front of me. It’s teeth rigid with debt and broken dreams.

So I texted the first person that came to mind and within 30 seconds I heard his voice. Even with an Android, he got to me quickly when I needed him. Brothers have a way of doing that.

4 years ago, my brother was let go of his employer of 12 years. Like that 🫰, they cut him. He had just bought a house, had a one year old little one and his wife, also employed by the same employer, is 9 months along with #2. He knew just what to say too.

Life is a trip. Here I was, instantly feeling like a failure as a man, father, husband, and my brother, to no surprise of my own, knew the EXACT words to say to me instantly refocus. What they were? Zero clue. I don’t remember a lot of what happened in those first 15 mins and I can’t really recall.

Our words have the ability to be the wind behind someone’s sails. Pun intended. We simply need to better identify when those situations occur and the words we use when the opportunity presents itself. Human – KIND, remember?

{Side Bar This is a Key MESSAGE of BOK}

Because his words, whatever they were, instantly reminded me of who I am and what I’m capable of. I was not lost, I was exactly where I need to be. My past has lead me to this exact point. Any job, side hustle, and human experience has sharpened my skill set to a razor sharp point.

It felt like those moments when a person looks at danger right in the face and continues forward. This is going to be hard and I can do hard things. (Bingo).

Hello, Beastie. Here comes the Pirate 🏴‍☠️


  1. Not an easy experience to share, but you do it with such an exact balance of emotion and levity. You’ve got a knack for this, your message and delivery are magnetic, Los. And anytime you can tie in some POTC never hurts.

  2. I could not be more proud of you, my friend. And to tell your story with such eloquence and kindness. You have found your path. We want to do whatever we can to support you on this incredible journey.

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